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Micro-g is proud to offer the Kronos Timing System for its absolute gravimeter systems. A built-in GPS receiver (when connected to an included GPS antenna) automatically and continuously calibrates the built in Rubidium clock.
The Micro-g Laser-1 (ML-1)is a small laboratory HeNe laser. It provides a linearly-polarized, frequency-stabilized, continuous wave (CW) visible (red at 633nm) laser light with a nominal output power of 1 mWatt. This laser is ideal for laboratory measurements, spectroscopy, interferometry, and other sensitive distance measurements.
A precision leveling and stabilizing platform for gPhone, gPhoneX and other instrumentation.
Specifically tailored to the gPhone and gPhoneX gravity meters, the Odin Leveling Platform uses three temperature controlled hydraulic legs to precisely control tilt with sub-arcsecond resolution. The platform is actively servo-controlled to maintain level, allowing the gravity meter to measure continuously over long periods of time.
The tripod has a rigid structure that accurately positions the gravity meter at predetermined levels for a quick and precise measurement of the vertical gravity gradient.
The three different levels enable the detection of a non-linear vertical gravity gradient in rugged terrain.
The design accommodates CG-5 or CG-6 Autograv™ gravity meters.